My aunt tagged me so I have to say five things I'm obsessed about, this is going to be harder for me because I am interested in a lot of things that I'm not obsessed about. The first is Reading books it's a mystery you can hold in your hands. I love to read fiction books. It is really weird thing is the books that I have enjoyed the most I can't put them under any jonera it mite be the authors that make me like the book like Zipha Keathly Syder and Madeleine L'engle. The second is watching Gilmore Girls. I have a Maxi box witch alouse me to record anything I want so I record Gilmore Girls every night ever though I've seen them all at least three times except the brand new one's I haven't see thous ones YET. The third is listening to a play I'm in this play I've got the lead girl part so I'm very exited and scared if I mess up a line then someone has to fix my mistake which I really don't want to do so I'm studying way extra in fact I've been studying so much I know every bodies line's. The fourth is playing with my animals every second I have not doing something I am playing or petting my animals. The fifth is taking showers I have this knew thing were I can't stand not taking a shower. Sometimes I feel like taking two showers in one day.You are soposted to tag five people to do a obsession post but all the people that I know have already got tagged so I don't want to do that so leave me a comment with your URL and I will transfer you to the front page and so you can consider yourself tagged.